ACC Bulletin Board
St. Paul, MN
Who should come?
Steubenville 2025
Cross Rock ACC Youth who will be in grades 9-12 next year

Get more details & a registration form here
Seats are limited and fill fast!
A butterbraid fundraiser is currently happening for youth that want to go (Now-April 8th)! Money from the student's sales goes directly to the student's cost of the trip.
School choir is NOT selling butterbraids this year, so if you would like some, please check with a youth or use the link below to order.
Purchases made with this link will go to the general fund for the trip:
To participate contact, Nicole at 218-230-3482.

SIGN UP for Formed- it's FREE for all Cross Rock ACC parishioners!
To watch on your computer, sign up HERE.
Download the app on your phone or smart TV (available on Apple TV and Roku).
Click "HERE" above or type in into your browser
Select Cross Rock ACC
in the parish/organization drop down menu/search box. -
Enter your email.
If you have any questions please reach out to Ben Borash.

Cross Rock Weekly Calendar
Holy Cross
Monday: Adoration until 9:00pm
Tuesday: Reconciliation 8:00am
followed by Mass 8:30am
Sunday: Mass 10:00am
Immaculate Conception
Monday: Bible Study 10:00am
Tuesday: Mass 8:00am, Adoration until 6:00pm
Saturday: Mass 5:00pm
Sunday: Mass 8:30am
Wednesday: Mass 8:00am
Sunday: Mass 10:30am
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel
Friday: Reconciliation 7:30am
followed by Mass at 8:00am
Saturday: Adoration 6:00am-6:00pm
Saturday: Mass 7:00pm
St. Stanislaus
Thursday: Reconciliation 7:30am
followed by Mass at 8:00am then Adoration until 5:00pm
Friday: Adoration until 5:00pm
Sunday: Mass 8:00am
Holy Trinity
We are a rural and welcoming faith community called by God's Word to worship together, grow in our faith, share our gifts, and build the Body of Christ.
Worship and the Eucharist are central to our lives, and we invite all to join us as we give praise and thanksgiving to our living God.